Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tales By Old Timer

My grandmother's first cousin wrote an article for The Cedartown Standard in the 70's. He retired from The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. His name was Ralph Jordan. His piece was called "Tales By Old Timer" and that's exactly what you could expect each and every week. I never met Ralph Jordan, but I wish I had. He and I had a lot in common.

Reading over his writings, I see where I get my unusual habits. It must have come down from our common ancestors. My great-grandfather was Peter Wood. I never met him either, but I've got some wonderful stories and pictures that have been handed down to me. Peter Wood's father was Joseph Andrew Jackson Wood. Both of these old timers are buried out in Mountain View Cemetery in Haralson County Georgia. John Peter Wood is buried there too. It's hard not to come across these names when you are researching anything in Cedartown from that era. Ralph Jordan included all of these men in his detailed accounts of mountain life as it was around the turn of the 20th century.

Peter Wood married Belle Whitlow. Belle Was the daughter of W.P. Whitlow. That's right, Pinkney Whitlow was my great-great grandfather. Old Timer and I share these ancestors. We share the dream of preserving their legacy in writing if possible. Ralph Jordon once wrote and article about the funeral service for my great uncle, William Joseph Wood. He said that he reached down and picked up a white stone beside the grave and took it home as a keepsake. He wanted to remember my dear old great-uncle. Before I ever heard of Ralph Jordan, I was doing the same thing. I've got stones from various gravesides. I write a little note on a small card and place the stone and the note in a clear bag. When I want to think of an ancestor, I take out the corresponding rock and hold it.

I met Old Timer's sister Evelyn back in 1987. She provided me with copies of every article her brother had written through the years. I've still got those articles and I read them often. Mr. Jordan opened so many doors for me. He gave me the passion for the history of my family and I've been on a mission for many years now.

No, I never met Ralph Jordan, but I know him well. I understand him. I can identify with his heart.

He wrote several articles about hunting with my great-grandfather, Peter Wood. Peter Wood was Ralph Jordan's Uncle. Peter took him on his very first hunting trip and Ralph wrote about it some 60 years later. I drove out to Sammie King's house just to hold the very gun he used that day. Sammie is my dad's first cousin. Peter Wood was his grandfather.

I'd like to see Old Timer's stories in print some day. If I can obtain permission from The Cedartown Standard, I may even include some of them here in this blog. Please drop me an email and let me know if you'd like to read some of Ralph Jordan's Tales by Old Timer. In the meantime, I will do the best I can to tell you some stories from The New Old Timer: Me.

Tell me your story. What do you remember about Cedartown. I'd love to read all about it. If time and space permits; and if you'd approve, I may even publish a portion or all of your "Tale".

Thank you for reading my blog. Please don't forget to share it. I'll keep writing as long as folks are interested.